Wilsons trainees win mooting competition
11 November 2016

For several years now the Wilsons trainees have entered a mooting competition against other 'Law South' firms.
The event was held at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in London and 8 law firms participated by sending teams of 2 mooters. Each team would perform two moots followed by a feedback session from the presiding judge.
Mooters would take in turns to orally present their legal arguments ("submissions"), whilst handling judge's questions, requiring the mooters to think on their feet. They were marked on their courtroom performance, ability to handle judge's challenges and argument structure.
After a tense wait the judges revealed the winning firm of the day and Wilsons were victorious. The winning team consisted of Oliver Saunders and Abby Wild, two of Wilsons newest trainees.
Winning trainee, Oliver Saunders comments:
"Before the event we practiced each Tuesday afternoon, playing devil's advocate to each other's arguments. This definitely put us in good stead to answer the judge's questions on the day. Preparation really paid off."